Originally Posted By: MartinFocazio
I'm settling on on a rotating stock of 20 gallons.

Counting what's in the gas tank and cans, I have fifteen gallons set aside for my generator, all with Sta-Bil mixed in. That should give me about four days continuous operation at 50% load. My plan is to run the generator intermittently and get a week or two without needing to siphon the cars or get to a gas station. I do have a hand pump to move gas out of the cars if I have to. Sta-Bil says that treated gas is good for a year, my plan is to rotate it every six months.

How do you store your 20 gallons? I'm using plastic Blitz cans, stored in a corner of my garage away from the door to the house and away from the sump pump. My hot water heater isn't in the garage.