Originally Posted By: KenOTBC
It made me wonder what sort of masks would provide protection from such a virus (obviously gloves would also be needed) but be suitable for EDC, and suitable for a home kit?

The only face masks approved for pandemic use by the public that I am aware of so far are 3M Particulate Respirators 8670F and 8612F. They were approved a few years ago. They are similar to other soft respirators you might see doctors and nurses wearing around sick people, although the packaging and instructions are geared towards the general public.

However, think about how long the pandemic is going to last. In Contagion, it was, what? Months? That's potentially a ton of masks that would needed if you were out and about much. You could easily need several a day if you followed the instructions to the letter.

It will be very difficult to avoid being exposed to any new killer flu bug. Even with a respirator, if it's not worn correctly, or you're not 100% careful, and you touch something and then touch your eye--all too easy to be exposed. Physically trying to prevent exposure in only one layer of defense. Social isolation is the other readily available counter-measure.