So the bad news is that you have a job with decent compensation, you don't find it a challenge to do a competent job, you can partially control when and where you get your work done, even jerk co-workers are not affecting your job performance, and at age 60 you may be within shouting distance of retirement. But you find jerks and incompetents annoying, very annoying.

Perhaps work is more important in your life than it needs to be; perhaps you can enlarge the context for finding meaning in your life and effectively shrink the part played by work. If you can find some folks that you consider interesting and worthy, who might welcome you to participate with them in projects of mutual interest, then work might be less of a focus and concern.

So, what interests you outside of work? Are there projects or hobbies you have been wanting to spend time with? Can you get satisfaction outside the workplace that might reduce your need or dependence for satisfaction in the workplace?