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#23391 - 01/17/04 08:13 PM Saluting our New Space Resolve.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
(Please Pardon,if you can,-What I Feel to be the Neccessary Length of This,-Perhaps I Can Submit This in 2 or 3 Parts.Come to Think of It,-I'll Do So.)-PART ONE,--I'd Like to Salute our Newfound Space Resolve of the Past Several Days! This,-While Largely Not a Direct Survival and Preparedness Matter,(Though Space of Course Has Many Survival Imperatives of It's Own!,-a Prime One being Air!,-One we oftentimes Don't Have Down Here.),-This Does Nevertheless Tie In so Well,-with that Whole Spirit of Adventure,Exploration,and Discovery!,-Which Pervades that Great Outdoors Sphere of Our's,-So Well! This is How It is Relevant. It's Now High Time and Long Overdue!,-That we Finally!,-Once Again Go Back! Our Next Steps.We've been"Shuttle Doddling"Around in Low Earth Orbit,-Long Enuf! It's Time to Get On Back Out There! I'm Well Aware of the Budgetary Angles Involved as Well,-I Therefore Think It's a Matter which shud be Spread Out Over Time,-at least for the Immeadiate,and Somewhat Intermediate,-of a Future. -Take It somewhat Easy at First,-Seed Money to Get the Ball Rolling,-and to once again First Dip,-our Feet into the Space Pool,-Before Later Doing any Dives Into the Deep! -Towards Our Ultimate "Boldly Going Where No Man Has Gone Before!"(And"Woman/Person",-for that Matter) Mankind Is Heading Out There!,-In One Way or Another,-Sooner or Later! It's in Our Very Nature and Destiny! Moreover,-Whatever Angle One Looks At the Space Coin from!,-We're Gonna Absolutely Need to Go Out There!,-We'll Have No Choice in the Matter!,-There's Minerals to Mine from the Moon and Asteroids!,-Great New and Needed Energy Resources!,-Room for an Ultimately Expanding Population,-We're Gonna at Sometime Have To Deflect some "Roids",-Heading Our Way Toward Earth!,-(How's That!,-for a Practical Benefit of Space to Us Right Here on Earth!) So We'll Mayswell Just Face and Fess Up to This!,-and Get Down To,-the Brass Tacks Business of It All. But with Immediate Budgetary and Economic Things being What They Are,-we Can't Just Jump Blithely into the Deep End!,-Certainly Not Yet,-Anyway,-Like in Fording a Stream,-We Must Do so Step by Step with a Stick,-But Let U.S. Now So Begin!,-Our Long and Destinious Journey Begins with a Single Step,-and These Present and 1957 Onward Times,-Are!,-Those Very First Steps!,-It is Mankind's / Our,-Moment! We're Priveleged to Now Live Amidst It!,-as Gagarin so Well said,-In Days and Years to Come,-We'll See and Do Things Plenty Greater!,-Than Anything we can See or Imagine Now!,-But They Will Always Fondly be Looking Back to Us!,-Here in Our Own Time,-as the Very First! That is Something They Themselves,-Will Never Be Able to Feel!,-Certainly Not as Their Own! -It's Ours! It's Our Time and Moment! As the Spaniards and Portuguese Siezed Theirs in Their Day!,-and Rose To the Task,Challenge,and Occasion in Their Time!,-Let's Now Do So in Our's! Man Cannot Just Up and Stop! It's Only in our Nature!,-to Get Out There and Discover and Explore! So It's Great and Welcome!,-that we've Just Taken Another Great and Crucial First Step,-in just These Last Few Days! We've Got to Want To!,-That's One of the First Things we've Got to Do! We've Now again,-Made a Pretty Good Start!,-as we once Did,-Back in the Mercury thru Apollo 60's. -Let's Now Keep At It !! But Space and It's Spending is More than Just the Thrill of Exploration and Discovery Alone! -Just as It's Certainly More than just Low,Earth Orbital Development!,-Alone! In the Trailblazing 60's,-It Had to be Largely Exploration Alone. But from the Post Apollo 70's Onward,-It's to Be a Proper Measure and Combination of Both,-Our Space Exploration and Development Arms! It's Time to Once Again,-Lift Up our Exploration One Now! Perhaps I've Already said It,-but Space is a Vital!,-Investment!,-in our Very Survival,-and Tomorrow! It's Not just some Nice Little,Academic, Thing to Do! As Before with Apollo,-It's One which Can and Will Pay Off!,-and Very Handsomely! -Great,New, Spinoffs and Dividends! Not All Investments Pay Off,-But the Only One's that Do!,-Are Those Originally Made! And Space is a Sure One!,-to Come! Even if at any One Moment,-We Cannot yet See the Specific Payoff,-Nor When or How It Shall Come! Not Only Do we Go for the Thrill of Exploring!,-Though at Heart This is my First Love!,-but Because It is Such a Crucial Investment in Our Very Tomorrow! -We're again Just Gonna Have To! Space Exploration is the Key!,-to Such Followon Space Investment and Development! Apollo Leads our Shuttles!,-Not Vice Versa! I'm as Acknowledgeing of the Development Side of Things,-as Anyone Else,-I Make something of a Point,-of Saying that I'm into "Space Exploration and Development",-Not Solely Space Exploration Alone! But We've Got to Have that Great and Special Thrill of Pure Out Exploration Too!,-and It's Gotta Lead! I've Grown Up with the Space Age! It and I Have the Common Birth Year of 1957. Beginning somewhere with the Geminis,-upon Getting Old Enuff to Know,-I've Ardently Followed,-Our Gemini,Ranger,and Apollo Efforts to Get to the Moon! It was a Given that we were Gonna Get There!,-if Not Always Entirely Easily.It was Just Around the Horizon!,-Americans were Gonna Do It!,-Only Naturally and Of Course! And By Golly George we Did! And I Mean I So Followed ALL of the Apollo Moon Missions!,-Not just Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collin's Apollo 11! They are One of the Closest Things to my Heart! Yet Then Right on the Heels of 11 !,-Right Amidst These Remaining Spandiferous Apollos!,-I Begin somewhat Shockedly and Unexpectedly,-Hearing All This Space Spending Cutback!,-Sort of Stuff! I Wasn't Floored or Anything,-but It was a Reasonably Good and Unexpected Hit! I Plugged On,-Thru the Remaining Apollos and Beyond! With that Anti-Space Crowd and Their "Arguements "Soon Holding Sway!,-and With some Budgetary and Economic Things being What They've Been,-from those Early 70's Days Onward, -We Have Astonishingly Not Been Back to the Moon Now!,-For Nearly an Entire One Third of a Century!!! -Just Puttering Around in Low Earth Orbit!,-and That's When we're Up There At All! Alongside the Shuttle/Station Complex,-The 70's Thru 90's Shud Have Been a Time of Post Apollo,Follow On, Manned Exploration and Colonization of the Moon! Coupled with a Lunar Orbiting Space Station, and a Cislunar Shuttle! The Voyagers and the Like were Great!,-but There Shud also Have Been the"Grand Tour",-to the Outer Planets,-while we Had the Chance! Last but Not Least,-We Should Be at Least Well on Our Way,-to a Manned Mars Landing by Now! I Have No Real Qualms about It being an International Effort, as Opposed to a Purely American One!,-though I Would Much Prefer that It Be a Free,-as Opposed to a"Tyrannical World",Effort. But we've So Got to Go! We Could Have!,-and Though we've Delayed Ourselves Some Decades,-
-We Now Yet Can!,-Let's Raise Our Sails!,-and Be About It! As to Budgetary and Economic Considerations,-We Shudn't Have Got Ourselves into Such Messes in the First Place!,-It's Not like That Unavoidedly Had to Happen! But Now that some of That Has,-Let's Appropriately Go Cautiously and All,-But Let's Go Most Definitely!,-as Well! Our Space Spending and Investment Will Come to Lift Us OUT of our Economic and(Many)Other Sorts of Problems!,-Not Push Us Down Deeper into Them! It's sorta Like the First Years of Loss,-in a Promising New Business! Space is One Heck of a Spando Investment!,-and One We Just Cannot Afford Not to Make! (I Think This is Now a Good Stopping Point for Part One,-Part Two will Follow in a Later Post,-and I Think It will be Shorter than This One. Thank You for your Attention, Reading, and Consideration.) [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#23392 - 01/17/04 08:53 PM Re: Saluting our New Space Resolve.
Tjin Offline

Registered: 04/08/02
Posts: 1821
one thing i don't like of this space plan, is the cash. the bankaccount of uncle sam is not positive, it's negative, and in mine eyes getting more zero's behind it is not good. We in Europe still suffer from budget problems, because we are still paying for the recovery from WW 2 ! I like space stuff, but watch that bankaccount !

#23393 - 01/18/04 01:44 AM Re: Saluting our New Space Resolve.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
I Agree!, There, PC2K,-at Least Quite Much. You may have Noticed in my Post,-that I Do Address and Acknowledge That.We Can't just Jump "Full Hog" Into the Space Pool!,-here at the Outset! -Not When It Has to be Backed with some Very Real Funds! But we Can and Shud Begin! Most of This Initial Funding,-The Return to the Moon Portion Anyway,-would come from Redirected Portions of our NASA Budget that are Already in Effect or Slated. Small Beginnings Now,-Will Grow and Gather into Much Greater Investment Returns Fruit! -Our Space Investment that I was Speaking of. I Mean This Entirely Civilly and Respectfully Toward You! And I'm also Glad,-that Aside from our "Differences in Funding" Views,-You are Otherwise For Space Advances,-as you have Basically Said.-Till the Next Time,-my Friend in Survival! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]PC2K[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#23394 - 01/18/04 05:51 AM Re: Saluting our New Space Resolve.
aardwolfe Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 08/22/01
Posts: 924
Loc: St. John's, Newfoundland

Just a friendly piece of advice - if you look *very carefully* at your keyboard, probably over on the right hand side, you'll see a key that's bigger than the others, probably marked with the word "Enter". Most of us use it to separate paragraphs. <img src="images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."

#23395 - 01/18/04 06:31 AM Re: Saluting our New Space Resolve.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Thanks, aardwolfe,-I also Asked Somebody an Hour or Two Ago and Found Out! -Thanx Again. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]aardwolfe[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#23396 - 01/21/04 12:15 AM Re: Saluting our energy plan.
joblot Offline

Registered: 02/21/03
Posts: 258
Loc: Scotland
As always there is, at least according to some, an alternative motive for colonizing the moon.
Below is an article from the anews report I saw today. Funny in parts, but it makes me wonder at Mr Bushs motives...



#23397 - 01/21/04 04:13 AM Re: Saluting our energy plan.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
Thanks for Sharing both the Content and the Humor of that Link with me! I Will ReRead and Think It Over,-( Still Ain't Gonna Change my Mind!),-but It's Details Must First be Digested.-And I Shall Formulate a Reply, and Give my Views,-in a Post to Come. We Need Energy All Right!,-even More So in the Future than Now,-and Space Will Increasingly be the Place to Get It! Thanx Again for Shareing It with me,-and Offering It to me for my Consideration!,-Which I Will Certainly Do. -Friends in Survival !,-"Scott" [color:"black"] [/color] joblot [email]joblot[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#23398 - 01/22/04 05:06 AM Re: Saluting our New Space Resolve.
ScottRezaLogan Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 01/07/04
Posts: 723
Loc: Pttsbg SWestern Pa USA N-Amer....
To Both PC2K, joblot,(To Whom I've Recently Replied on This), and Anyone Else whose Interested,- I Recommend you Look At the Following White House Website,-as I Shall Give.As Concerns This Topic. I've just been Looking it over. I'm Not Totally Up yet,-on What I'm Sure is a Simple way of Including Clickable Links in these Posts,-So I'll Do it This Way,-for Now. It is http://www.whitehouse.gov Then,-on your Left,-Near the Top,-Under "News",-Click "Current News" Then Find and Click on "Latest News", - Then Do the Same for "More January News",-You Gotta Keep Scrolling Down a Bit,-to Get within the First Half of January,-Then Click on "January 14, 2004",-Where you'll Find a Number of "Space Resolve"Related Things to Click On. I Suggest These Both for Backing Up the Case I Make,-and for your Own Info and Perusal. It Sheds,-for One Thing,-Additional Light on How This is NOT a Budget Buster! It Mightn't Always Seem It,-by my Enthusiasm,-but I'm Quite Budget Conscious Too! Feel Free to Look Over some Things on the President's New Space Policy and Resolve,-from the White House Source and Site Itself. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.

#23399 - 01/27/04 03:34 AM Re: Saluting our New Space Resolve.
ki4buc Offline
Old Hand

Registered: 11/10/03
Posts: 710
Loc: Augusta, GA
For some reason, everytime I read your posts, I keep thinking of Willy Wonka on a sugar high. <img src="images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

#23400 - 01/27/04 08:08 PM Re: Saluting our New Space Resolve.
paramedicpete Offline

Registered: 04/09/02
Posts: 1920
Loc: Frederick, Maryland
Just have to love him. <img src="images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> Pete

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