Originally Posted By: Pete
Just heard an amazing anecdote ... during that 10'th anniversary for 9/11. It was from a blind guy who had to descend the stairs in the WTC from a long way up. He had a guide dog with him, and just had to go slow. He spent most of the time trying to be reassuring to his pooch, while throngs of panicky people bypassed him on the stairs. But he still made it out OK.

But you are right - this is a major problem for people in wheelchairs. Maybe unsolvable.


Seems like some emergency equipment manufacturer could come up with a pretty simple board that someone could be strapped onto (bottom edge for feet to rest against) and with runners that slide over steps. And a couple wheels on the bottom. With grab handles that one person - preferable more - could use to guide the board down.

Yes, you'd probably be screwed if by yourself.

I wonder if the Americans with Disabilities Act addresses this already. Emergency egress seems like something that would have been considered when that legislation was enacted (1990, or so).

And sure enough, it is addressed in the ADA.
