I personally wouldn't put a political sticker on my Jeep or a sticker that was sarcastic or ironic. Just not my style.

Not that it mattered side note, running up the to the 2008 presidental election people were putting supportive stickers on their vehicles, from both sides. Occasionally there were reports on the nightly news, more frequently as November came closer, of entire parking lots of cars vandalized BUT, only those cars that had stickers supporting, lets say....Red candidates. They would be scrapped through down to the metal or spray painted over.

One afternoon I was in a parking lot that got hit w/ spray paint. I didn't have any stickers on my car, a Dodge Charger at the time, but the cars on either side of me did. Someone defaced all our cars. Mine was tagged, 'expensive' on the trunk.
Don't just survive. Thrive.