Not everyone can "disguise" themselves, if that's the word. Some people are easily identified by the groups that hate them, and no matter how clean of bumper stickers you keep your car, you may still run into problems once they see you. Sometimes they make erroneous assumptions about you just based on "signals" they get off you, and treat you (or mistreat you!) accordingly.

To give you an example, I know a woman who had very short hair. She was athletic. She went to the doctor for an allergic reaction. The doctor gave her the third degree and told her she got some disease because she was lesbian. Now, I know she wasn't gay because I was dating her. The doctor was just reading off the signal (short hair on a woman = lesbian), and was willing to let his prejudice take over his professional responsibilities.

Even for those who have the privilege of "disappearing" into the crowd if they want to, bumper stickers that proclaim their political beliefs may not always be a good idea. We live in an intolerant society. We don't get problems from level-headed individuals who respect the idea of liberty, but not everyone is like that. Some people are scumbags, and they'll let their prejudice take over in their interaction with you. Fortunately they are probably in the minority, but they still exist.

There are two ways about this, I suppose. (1) Be the "gray man." Disappear if you can. (2) Do what feels right to you as an individual, and be ready to fight prejudice and intolerance when they surface. This seems to me to be an individual choice. (1) denies yourself, and (2) may endanger yourself. But let me ask you, do you want the jerks in society to dictate what hairstyle you can wear?

Da Bing