Originally Posted By: MartinFocazio
Originally Posted By: KG2V
Recently I've been feeling distinctly 'non modern' - so much going on in my field (computer programming) and a lot of it I just don't like, and I'm feeling seriously old fogy. Call me old fashioned but I don't like HTML5, jQuery, and CSS for interfaces for non web apps

A shame, really, it is. At the company where I work we are constantly trying to hire people with A++ skills in HTML5, jQuery and CSS. To give you an idea just how much we want this talent, employees to refer a candidate that is hired will get a bonus in the THOUSANDS of dollars when that candidate hits their three month anniversary.

We also have job openings in project management, art direction, and more. But we don't really train up people - we hire people with skills already in place.

I'm A+++ in rebooting windows servers, can I get a job? smile