Did anybody else get "Rick Rolled" Am_Fear style?

I have had even had to close my Youtube account (having nothing more to do with the Dark side) after the Youtube insistence that I create a Google account so I can log into my own Youtube account. I want nothing to do with Google operations either (another data mining and personal profiling operation esp if their useful search engine can be associated/linked to or with an email address and consequently an IP address and therefore a real world physical location) along with Facebook.

Remaining somewhat anonymous online is getting more and more difficult especially when these American Corporations continually try and associate their virtual space users and customers to a real world point of reference.

There are obviously ways and means around this but I don't want to forced to do this just to placate these corporate and US government data mining and personal profiling operations.

Total Information Awareness is it seems is getting out of hand.

Edited by Am_Fear_Liath_Mor (09/13/11 03:46 PM)