Originally Posted By: paramedicpete

Plugging a tire will damage it because air will get between the inner and outer layer and cause a rupture.

As long as the leak is not in the side wall, plugging a tire works quite well for small leaks such as those caused by a nail. I have had many a tire plugged with no problems.


I am 100% with Pete on this one. I would not recommend Fix-a-Flat for anything other than the most dire emergency, especially if your vehicle has a tire pressure monitoring system. Additionally, it makes huge mess inside the wheel and is known to be corrosive.

I have also successfully used plugs, my favorite is the commercial grade Safety Seal. As long as the damage is at least 1/2 inch from the sidewall, you should not have any problems. I have never had a Safety Seal plug leak and I've done dozens of them. I have a Safety Seal kit in each car and they have saved me much time.

The reason some of your franchise shops won't do plugs any more is simply because of legal concerns because of stupid lawsuits involving improper use or overuse of plugs.