Originally Posted By: ireckon


Can you sync with TrudCrypt? I need to sync about 80 GB of data. In other words, I need it to update only the changed files. I like the idea of TrueCrypt, but if I can't sync, then I can't use.

What is a reliable external database for storing your TrueCrypt files? I need to store externally over the Internet. I'm NOT talking about local storage, and I'm NOT talking about saving to an external hard drive and physically taking it to an external location.

You can use TrueCrypt to encrypt folders or drives. You can mount the drives/folders(decrypted) and they work just like any other mounted disk. So yes, you can sync. Download it and give it a whirl. I'm not particularly computer savvy and found it pretty straight forward.

You could then upload to a draft email, Google account, etc. free of charge (within their storage parameters). Personally, I just make an encrypted back-up that stays at home and one of essential data on a thumb drive that goes with me. I don't need any more of my personal info floating about the net than already exists (encrypted or not).