My non-scientific observation is that folks 1. Panic 2. Buy a generator, any generator, 3. Start it up 4. plug things into it until they don't work.
Man, this is so true.
One of my "acquaintances" posted on Facebook the day before Irene hit: "Hey, I'm going out today to buy a generator. Anyone know a good brand?" Idiot... like there were any left in stock? (this was Virginia Beach)
I wrote back: "Sure! First, what do you plan on running? Second, add up all the running currents from what you want, then take into account the surge power, so add 10-20% on top of that. Then get a lot of fuel and some oil. You're going to have to top both off at least once a day. Then get a chain or something to secure it, since they tend to walk away during disasters."
She did NOT end up buying one.