Originally Posted By: hikermor
Stand? What Stand? We don' need no stinking stand?....

Seriously, just turn it over and go. If necessary, prop it with a rock or something..
Yeah, pretty much.

Some of us have been using MSR stoves with the canister upside down (for cold weather) for some time. It's sort of the undocumented feature (and a very nice feature indeed) of MSR gas stoves. People "in the know" were aware of the capability, but the general public was not. The standard practice was to just flip the darn canister over and go. The old Rapidfire had kind of a stiff coupler that would hold the canister upside down, no problem, and was great for inverted canister use. The newer Windpro was a little trickier, especially with larger canisters, but like Hikemor says, just use a rock or something to lean the canister against.

I can't for the life of me understand why MSR hasn't heretofore publicized the ability of their Windpro (and now Whisperlite Universal) to run with the canister upside down. Running upside down allows one to run down to about 0F/-18C on gas. That's so much better than struggling along with an upright canister stove that can only go down to about 20F/-7C over the life of the entire canister (yes, you can go lower with a fresh canister). I would have thought that MSR would have marketed the heck out of a capability like that, but perhaps they were worried about liability?

Adventures In Stoving