Originally Posted By: falcon5000
It's been on the news in Fla for awhile Mark, I think (but don't quote me on it) that Disney is using it to cut down on the scalping of tickets being sold. There are a lot of these stands that sell tickets to Disney that are nothing more than used tickets from guests who do not stay the full length of there tickets. If you buy say a 4 day pass and stay 3 days and sell your ticket to one of these places for a small fee, then they turn around and sell it to me (lets say) as I am visiting. Then I go to the park on a used ticket and when they ask for a id or fingerprint (your choice) and it doesn't match the original purchaser, they assume it was stolen or scalped. That is my understanding according to one of our news station. Correct me if I am wrong.

Nope, you're right. As I said, I worked for a company owned by the mouse, and actually met folks involved with the fingerprint scan - the database is purged (or was) when your ticket expires - pure ticket scalping issue
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