Originally Posted By: Denis
I find it interesting that the 72H is the only GPS in Garmin's basic (non-mapping) handheld category for trail use that is shown as displaying the GPS coordinates on one of the device's main screens (i.e., outside of viewing/editing a waypoint).

Maybe when it comes down to practical use, you'd want to save a waypoint when checking your position anyway, so it really becomes a moot point. But this is the information I would have thought you'd see once a device is powered up and the satellites were acquired.

Relax guys. Garmin's manuals are notoriously poor but the products are fine.

My old Garmin Vista HCx will put as much as 6 data fields on the main screen at a time. Which fields they are, and how many, is easily user configurable. I do it all the time. My default screen shows coordinates, azimuth (true, grid, or magnetic; user selectable), and accuracy. When navigating between waypoints I have it show distance to the next point.