Originally Posted By: billvann
A good weather radeo will receive emergency broadcast system messages in the event of a true disaster and is invaluable. The scenario you described may not have been sever enough to trigger such an aleert, except for weather updates. In a trukly disaterous weather situation you would (should( hear evacuation notices and such. Not as detailed as we're accustomed to on the internet, but in a sever weather system where both land lines and cell towers are without power, the airwaves are you last resort for information.

I have a weather radio with SAME. There was a thunderstorm warning. The local cable/cellular system apparently is not robust enough to withstand that. My experience with tornado warnings has been about the same.

I like looking at NOAA weather data in bad weather. That gives me a better sense of what to expect. Now I have to figure out how useful that really is. How "cost-efficient," I guess.