Your proposed test might help, mostly because it would expose some folks to the concept that there is such a thing as inappropriate use of a PLB. That indeed might help when they are confronted with a problem in the woods.

I think the real issue is even more basic - What is your strategy for coping with a problem when you are in an isolated situation? do you plan on taking measures yourself (active), or is your primary plan to call for help and wait for assistance(passive)?

Situations can develop where even the most self reliant will need assistance, but I get the feeling that PLB technology encourages a passive approach to dealing with emergencies, at least with some folks.

They should be mindful that conditions can be such that outside help is not possible (storms or weather conditions) or will be irrelevant (sudden falls or immersions in water). Somewhere new outdoors folk should get some understanding of how emergencies develop and what the proper role of PLB's, etc should be in resolving the issues. They should understand that their own actions, apart from triggering the PLB, are very significant in determining a good outcome.

"Be Prepared, That's the Boy Scouts Marching Song" - Tom Lehrer said it best.

You make an extremely valid point with respect to cost, especially the recurring cost of registration. Where do I buy stock in this outfit? Perhaps my earnings will outstrip the annual fees......
Geezer in Chief