[quote=Denis Since we've already had a lengthy discussion about how best to defend against a bear attack [/quote]

In actuality, there was little discussion on how to BEST defend against a bear attack. In actuality, there were several comments that might imply that a firearm would not be effective.

IMHO - After digesting the complete initial thread and this one, there has been only one QUOTE that I would want a inexperienced reader to leave with -

”bear spray was effective at stopping aggressive bear behavior in 92 percent of cases while firearms were effective in 67 percent of cases”

(Both must be in immediate reach if visibility is zero. Dump at least 8 ounces of spray and immediately retreat under CONDITION RED with the shotgun if possible.)

Edited by ponder (08/15/11 07:38 PM)
Cliff Harrison
Horseshoe Bend, ID
American Redoubt
N43.9668 W116.1888