I have bought and given away a couple PrincetonTec Blasts and quite a few Photon II MicroLights.

I would ask my aunt or my mom or my sister-in-law if they needed a light to see their car door locks at night. I told each that the batteries are replaceable and to just ask me when the lights begin to dim and I'll replace the batteries.

The only one who is still carrying both the Photon II and the Blast WITH HER is my sister in law. She says her girlfriends are jealous because their husbands won't buy them keychain lights (!).

Neither my mom nor my aunt still carries their lights.

Here's an abbreviated instant replay of the discussion:

What happened?

Well, the light went dead.

Where is it? I'll put in new batteries.

Oh, I threw it away.

I said not to do that.

Sorry, I forgot.


Take note that the women who did not listen and threw the Photon II's away are over 65.

The woman who did listen and still has her lights is under 35.

Take from this what you will.