Welcome to the forum.

For short term, survival situations just spend a lot of time in the archives on this site. Any number of situations has been discussed, second guessed, debated, rehashed and so on and so forth.

For homesteading information (which is really beyond the scope of this forum) I'd recommend a subscription to Backwoods Home Journal. Also check out these books: Five Acres and Independence by M.G.Kains, Farming For Self Sufficiency and The Guide to Self Sufficiency, both by John Seymour and The Contrary Farmer by Gene Logsdon. Any or all of these are great primers on the subject. The Seymour books are out of print but can be had used online fairly cheaply.

You might also want to check out www.mrsolar.com or www.homepower.com for ideas about .....well I'm sure you can figure it out.
