My 2¢

We preppers don't find all what we want exactly as we want it in a survival situation. Even the hundreds of sharp edges ( knives, khukris ..etc. ) in the market , which are considered as item #1 foe survivalists/preppers, aren't enough to cover everyone's needs as they would like.

So, when someone finds an item that can serve some purpose, my own humble opinion is , after thanking him/her, is to think it over and over and perhaps extract evn more uses from such an item, that is foldable, small, cheap, and certainly useable.

I can think of a few uses for this collapsable vase.

* Moral booster for little daughters in a fightening situation
We always read about "sense of normalsy" in a survival situation. Its one of the purpose of fire, or candy, cards , coffe/tea ..etc. in a PSK. Having a colorful vase is not a bad idea in such a situation, especially a soft collapsable one.

* Can be used for things other than water. How about collecting berries or even storing candy for little ones ?

* Remember that a condom is used for several other uses than carrying water ??? It can be used to cap a rifle barrel to prevent debris from getting in without obstructing a quick shot at a deer or bird. This "vase" can be used to cover several things. I don't know the size, but if it was the right size, it maybe used as glove/mitten when you dip your hand in questonable waters, especially in floods and polluted waters.

A prepper should have an open mind and should use energy of the mind trying to expand what has been proposed ,,,

Again, its just my 2 ¢