The younger generations (fill in whatever age groups fall below your own) are what we teach them to be. they can be great or they can be spoiled. It has always been up to their parents and leaders to teach them how to be. I have personally seen the "younger generation" in action over the years and I have seen most of them respond well to good leadership and make the commitments and sacrifices necessary for the situations they found themselves in. The "greatest generation" responded to the crisis at hand, and not all responded well. At the beginning of WWII the nation was very split over whether to not get involved in European affairs, and some actually wanted to take Germany's side. Human nature does not change much over the generations, they handle the environment and situation they are dealt, many people will exhibit good character traits and many will be selfish and greedy. That happened in WWII, and it happens now. The "greatest generation" had the greatest challenge, but they were not that different from us, just different experiences.