But campuses are pretty good about having hot food available healthy or otherwise. extra cash.

I took lots and lots of small bills.
The daughter took the techie stuff (smartphone ..etc)

Food and beverages were available as you describe, but DD is not a big eater anyway, and I don't eat much when I am on the move (at home is another story LOL). We spent the time running stairs/elevators chasing this or that and getting lost between offices.

Outcome was negative, but we should always be ready for whatever comes, and try to make the best of it. Finally I managed to eat something in the train in our trip back home.

Small note about gadgets and stuff
My bag was navy blue. One of the spare pens leaked inside it. The stain in the bottom corner was not noticeable until I put the bag in my lap and saw a blue stain on my clothes.

Not a big deal compared to the negative outcome of the trip, however, it is worth it to be alert. If we had to meet with some folks in higher position, I would be embarrased with the stains on my clothes. I didn't take any spares to keep bag load to a minimum !!!!