Here is some of the basic info for any accident. This assumes you’re a driver involved. I am trying to write this for the lay person’s perspective from a law enforcement officer’s observations.

First and foremost, STOP! DO NOT under any circumstances leave the scene of the accident. If you have no cellular phone allow someone else to call for the police etc. I have actually known people to leave an accident and walk to a house, or something similar and then not return. Their injuries were significant or they are that upset. Either way the last thing you want is to have a charge of leaving the scene of an accident hanging over your head. If you are not injured, but the car is unmovable either stay in the car for safety, or if you must step out of the car get out of the street or off of the road.

Never move your car unless told to do so.

Take a deep breath and then use a cellular phone to call 9-1-1. Keep your comments brief. Work with the dispatcher. Give specific info about the location. If you are traveling through the area and do not know the highway number or street name then describe everything around you if you must. A simple “I have know idea where I am” could suggest head injuries or vague familiarity. People have died as a result of not knowing where they are. Rare is the case of someone actually surviving in adverse conditions and SAR finding them alive. Better yet invest in a GPS if you must. Give them your phone number and name. Hang up after the dispatcher tells you to do so. If you have no phone send someone else to call.

Determine if your passengers are injured in anyway. This is your responsibility. Check the occupants of the other vehicle. Initially everyone can deny injuries. Without specific training it is best to let the Ambulance crew or the Fire Department to check all occupants. This is why they respond and what they have the training for. The personnel who respond are trained to recognize and treat any injury and accept a refusal. This liability is something you may not have the training for.

When appropriate, talk briefly to the other driver. Never admit any fault. Avoid comments like “I am so sorry!” Or, “ Hey idiot, why weren’t you looking!” These comments can be used against you later.

Only give your name, your address and the name and address of your insurance company. Include the name of your agent (who wrote the policy) and his phone number. Most states also require you to include your policy number. I avoid my phone number to the other involved party, last thing you want is for them to call and harass you. Only disclose this number if required for the police report.

Only discuss the accident with the police officer and later your insurance agent. When talking to the police again avoid comments, which seek to assign fault. Let him do his job. It is what he is trained for.

If you are traveling alone let someone know where you are going and when to expect you back. I know this may seem very trivial, but you may not be able to tell anyone anything if you are badly injured. If alone and in an accident stay in your car and lock the doors. We have all heard of accidents happening, which result in a kidnapping and/or some other crime. BTW is your drivers license current? Do you have any allergy or medication cards you need if taken to the hospital? Is there a place in your wallet or purse for “In case of an emergency notify?”

Make sure your insurance policy is up-to-date. Find out now what it will or will not cover. Will it pay for towing and storage? Will you be covered for a rental car? I know from experience should you have traveled out-of-town and was involved in an accident with no driveable vehicle you will need some way to get home.

Your insurance company, the American Automobile Association (AAA) and your state police may have a generalized guide for info on what to do when in an accident. I have even seen these forms in Reader’s Digest in their Shell answer book program. Find out if they do and obtain one.

If you have teenage drivers, sit them down now and discuss this information with them. Be open and honest. Respect their ability to drive and the freedom it brings, but stress the importance of their being safe and sound. If they did well in driver's training class that's great, but did the other driver do as well? When did they last take that training? Don’t sweat over the accident and the damage to the car. It is replaceable, they are not. So please don’t ignore them! The same goes for your significant other. I recall one time I actually arrested a parent for being so irrate with his daughters crash he actually started beating her at the accident. Turned out not to be her fault, but dear ol' dad saw it otherwise.

Last, but by no means the least, is your car kit up-to-date? Does everyone know where it is and how to use those items? Now is when they need to know. Not at the accident

I know your comment about the camera is a good idea, but film will degrade over time especially in warmer weather. If you have a camcorder or even a digital camera all the better.

If you are in an accident at a shopping center or mall, you may find most police departments will not write a private property accident report. They may however respond and mediate the exchange of information. If the mall (for example) has security make sure they are notified. For liability purposes they may need to make their own report.

Take care

ASAP=Always Suspicious Always Prepared.