This is an interesting thread, as it makes you think about how to improvise when an emergency for which you are not fully prepared arises. My DW and I make several 'truck camping' trips per year into the Chippewa National Forest. Even though the landscape there is much different than the one described in this scenario, a similar event in my neck of the woods is something we plan and equip for, so we would never be in this sitation under-equipped.

Realistically, I also would not cannibalize my truck in the weather described, as I plan on surviving and the little bit of benefit I would get from ripping out the seat cushions/covers and wiring vs. the $3000 repair bill when we got home would make it a non-starter for me. I would take a mirror and seatbelts though.

I have limited (OK, none) experience in arid mountain camping, but here goes anyway:

Since the assumtion here is that staying put is not the best option, here is what we would do The road pictured is well-maintained and fairly well travelled as evidenced by the half dozen fresh tire tracks in the photo. We drove in on that road and we have a map, we would backtrack that road to civilization, camping at night along the side of the road and hoping to hook a ride along the way. The trip on foot would take us 5 days with good weather and a little luck.


the lighter, matches, left side car mirror, hatchet, knives


T shirt section, 1/2 liter bottles, the 5 gal collapsible, and the coffee pot


Would carry tent depending on how heavy it was (I am a big brute in pretty good shape). If it was truly too heavy for me to carry a long way, would first opt to ditch the steel poles and stakes and carry the fabric. If that option is still not viable, I would dissect the tent and take the largest flat piece I could make, the rain fly, the ropes, and maybe the floor and fashion the screens into headnets. Would carry one sleeping bag (probably the lightest) and the blanket.


Would ditch extra jeans in favor of the heaviest shirts (one each)and socks. Would fashion hats from a pants leg if we didn't have them. Would cut cotton shirts onto bandanas for each of us.


Would evaluate the food. Carry the lightest most nutrient dense, and eat whatever was in the cooler, or whatever else we couldn't carry before we left.
The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng