Susan, I'm not sure about those specifics re the volcano effect, sorry. This is quit common knowledge around Brisbane so I will see if I can find out. I think its just plumbed sewage but I'm not sure. Part of our emergency evac plans involve the tent! Should be fun with all the cats...

As for the shopkeepers, they assumed, but buying two weeks worth of kitty litter for four cats is a bit unusual!

MDinana I really wasn't keen on the Wednesday trip out, and I doubt we would have gone in the end just to help on the phones, but animals were in danger of drowning and I couldn't sit by, had to do what I could. The thought of dogs and cats shut in kennel blocks in rising water... Even with blocked roads we would have got home, just not in the car, I made sure we had lots of water in the car and good walking shoes. We would have got home any way necessary for our own pets. That was the only trip out that was dangerous, the shopping trips were all local to areas not in danger of flooding.

My wife does show off her FAK in her handbag, if someone needs a headache pill, after bite etc, and likes opening people's beer with her SAK, but whats in the house stays private. Plus all the neighbours know our dog...