At least in CA, check with your local buiding department before doing handrail, ramp, and other home projects as their are some legalities that can come up at time of refinance or sale.
Those comfy deep cushioned recliners, chairs, couches, etcetera are often very difficult and painful to get out of later in life or when injured. Think twice when making new acquisitions and consider putting assist rails or appliances within reach of such furniture.
Many homes seem to collect too much furniture, which then become a maze of obstacles for anyone of less than normal physical ability, or who also need to maneuver a walker, chair, crutches, a cane, etcetera. Rent or borrow such appliances and try to get around your house for a few hours! It may be time to donate a few things to open up the lanes of travel.
Power cords, area rugs, step down or step up areas, large sills between rooms or between interior and exterior, stairs, etcetera easily become trip-and-fall hazards for persons whose senses or abilities become compromised. Level what you can and consider ramps with handrails, even inside the home.
Go into your kitchen and bathroom to try to do what you normally do with one hand. Based on that experience, consider what would be helpful to reposition or install.
Edited by dweste (06/22/11 10:53 PM)