people are pretty much trained to take people at face value, and I do mean 'face'. Good-looking people are considered safe, and uglier people are considered dangerous.

Sue, you are sooooo right.

About 30 years back, an old friend told me his sister married a guy, and I met the guy . If my friend didn't tell me he is his brother in law, I would have feared coming close to him. He was that ... unattractive. !!! A few weeks down the road and a few lunches and dinners together, I learnt how great a guy he was.

ON the other side of the coin :
A few years later, I heard in the news from the U.S. that a mom drowned her kids ( I think she let her car roll down a lake while the kids were in it, or something like that ) . When I saw her picture, I said ( She did !!??? ) She was good looking by my standards. Even later, when I started to believe the story I started to feel sorry for HER, and almost forgot the poor kids !!

You are right, and our ignorance is very cruel sometimes.