...assuming you can avoid the worse of the above, it is pretty hard for anyone really dangerous to avoid the condemnation of that little voice that issues warnings.

That's a pretty big assumption. I don't know about other countries, but here people are pretty much trained to take people at face value, and I do mean 'face'. Good-looking people are considered safe, and uglier people are considered dangerous. I've known at least three psychopaths in my life, and all of them were extraordinarily good-looking. People fall for their lies and manipulations like a puppy following a bowl of hamburger, and they do it repeatedly. People are even indoctrinated to fear dark-faced dogs in comparison to light-faced dogs.

And how many times have you heard about a man killing his wife or kids, or a chronic wife-abuser, where all the people who know him said, "Oh, it can't be true, I've known him for years"? Even when confronted with the bloody remains and the bloody killer, they are staunch defenders of the killer/abuser.
