Just to reiterate what bacpackjac said, for Scouting you don't need to purchase gear like tents & stoves; the troop will have all that stuff for the kids and likely all the volunteers too.
What I found I really needed to pick up for my son to get going were the personal items like appropriate outdoor clothing, a decent backpack & good sleeping gear.
Actually, maybe. Our troop didn't have a lot of community gear - it was mainly cooking stuff for the big events (jamborees and such), tarps and sun-shade type things for those events.
We usually buddy'd up on tents (personal!). One carried the tent, one the poles. The guy w/ the poles usually had a trash bag too to help balance the weight as the trip progressed. Or sometimes they got the bear-box.
Don't know what tents those are (haven't really paid attention to tents in years). We always did fine with cheap colemans from target. One year I bought a sweet North Face tent, all weather, etc etc etc, that my ex-gf ended up keeping after we broke up. Stupid move on my part, I doubt she used it again, but c'est la vie.