Awesome info from everyone. Ken, we could use a better (and smaller) tent so I'll be checking into those for sure (already registered with scout direct

). I don't mean to sound like I am complaining about our current scouting situation. It is just a bit frustrating the turnover we have had the last year. Lost 2 leaders and about 20 scouts. At the end, we had all the scouts (tigers up to webelos 2) doing the same activities. Hard to come up with stuff that will keep everyone entertained and learn something too. On the other hand a small group has its advantages. We can do more for them with our limited budget. We also get increased one on one time with the kids and the parents. I can't say I am totally happy with the way things are being run, but I am not the cubmaster. It is what it is and I'll continue to make the best of the situation, for my son's sake and the other boys in our community who want to be involved with scouting. FWIW, the pack is only 4 years old, so all things considered it seems we are doing pretty well. Could be a lot worse.