I was a responder with the Red Cross for years. Seen my share of disasters. Also seen a number of farmers crop fields turned into campgrounds. When the farmers were asked about it, they usually said something like, it is only money, these folks need a place to live.
There are some people that put up a wall around their world and sit behind it with a loaded gun. I pity them. They seem to be afraid of folks from "away" or those that are different from themselves.
Yes, some folks will do bad things, take advantage of the situation for their own benefit, but they are in my experience, a tiny minority.
To me, it appears that these "fortress" folks miss one of the truly great aspects life. Helping others, even as some considerable cost to ones self, is one of life's most rewarding experiences.
Now back to the thread about bug out RV's.
Gloria and I have been living on the road in various type of RV's since 1997. We have no permanent home. This summer, since early may and probably until November we will be living full time in a small pick-up camper. It is on a dodge, 1 ton diesel 4x4. We have a large solar system and a reverse osmosis water system. We love this life.
If you already own a large truck, consider a slide in camper. Used, they are very cheap. They can be provisioned and stored almost anywhere. One can load it on the truck and be on the road in under an hour. We get about 20mpg and with a 35 gal. tank, we can move pretty far in a short time. The 4x4 helps in getting back into the remote places.
When we get to a destination, we can offload the camper and use the truck for whatever needs to be done. At the moment, we are in a very remote part of a national forest. We can sit here for about 10 days with the provisions on-board. We are pretty high so I can use my Droid as a "modem" for my computer, providing pretty good internet connectivity.
As I said earlier... We love this life.
...........From Nomad.........Been "on the road" since '97