Originally Posted By: mpb
there is a difference in being real and being over=the-top.
You must agree to that at least.

As a rural property owner I resent people (outsiders) coming into my county to set up shop. So do most others.
I see the need of someone telling the 'dreamers' on here what real people think and do.

To you, this site appears an academic exercise of latter-day Walter Mittys playing games; to me, what is discussed here is very real.

In August 2005, between 30,000 to 60,000 (depending on who you ask) New Orleanians and folks from surrounding parishes "set up shop" here in Baton Rouge during and after the Katrina flooding. Two of those were my parents, and two more my in-laws. This collection of thousands of refugees put a huge strain on our city's infrastructure, turning us overnight into the most populous city in the state. While an inconvenience, we NEVER resented those coming into "my country". We sheltered them, we fed them, we clothed them and we made them welcome.

Many fled with little, and lost all they left behind. Few had prepared, or even considered what to prepare. These were our fellow citizens. They were VERY real people.

What we speak of here is being equipped to survive a situation as Katrina - how to plan and prepare. That is not dreaming. That is simply good common sense.

I pray that you, sir or ma'am, were you ever to find yourself an "outsider" in need would find yourself in a country like mine, and not like yours.