Dweste just what are the "rule of threes"?

I'm a man and don't think like a woman, so I have to punt, but I would assess the situation using SAM and DOC (Strength, Armament, Mobility, Deployment, Orginazation, and Command).

Strength - physically is he large or small, what is his demeanor, if he is calm and unconserned he may be part of a group that he is relying on for security. Where as if he is more observant and looking around he is more likely alone.

Armament - What is visable? He has his tool be it axe, or fishing rod and one could assume a fillet knife at a miminum.

Mobility - It was said he was either fishing or chopping wood, giving the appearance he will be staying put for at least some time. Does he have a camp set up or is his pack laying on the ground indicating this may be just a temporary stop?

Deployment - Does he have a camp set up? Is there any visible evidence that he is not alone, like two cups, plates or packs out. Again his demeanor. Also what is the lay of the land? Can you approach with an advantage to either escape or fight if needed?

Organization - If he is solo then this is moot, however is there any indication he is part of a group? Like a walkie-talkie, or some other communication device.

Communications - Is he communicating, and if so how and with whom? Again what is his body language telling you?

Lastly when in doubt go with your gut instinct. IF SOMETHING FEELS WRONG IT IS. don't question it just react and believe in yourself. Your subconscious will pick up clues your thinking brain will try to rationalize away.
It's a Jungle out there.