Originally Posted By: IzzyJG99
The common theme that you can gather from both a heavy fixed blade and a heavy railway spike is that....

It's a heavy, pointy and in some cases sharp weighted club. The first tool for egons according to many aboriginal studies specialists was a heavy weighted club. Often varying in sharpness, edge and shape. It's cheesy and fits with the "Caveman with a Club" cliche, but it is what it is.

Well One good thing about railroad spikes is they are "Free" Often if you walk a rail line there are a bunch laying along the tracks. Usually they are the ones that get replaced and often chucked aside but often or not they are just loose spikes that worked their way over. A little Sanding/Grinding and they often clean up like new. The end also can easily be ground out sharp just remember to throw some rustoleum on um.