I like the single-use, four cup filter packs given out at hotels but I just ran out.

So now I rely on my bodum mug, which rocks!

]Bodum Travel Mug[/url]
Ok gang, here's your million dollar idea: mini cans of java. Take the little packages of coffee grinds and put them in a tin. (The Scouter in me needs the packaging to be environmentally friendly and reusable, and metal cans seem to be infinately more reusable than glass or plastic, and eons better than that vaccuum sealed stuff. Although you have to give it to the screw top lids on glass bottles.)
Starbucks Viva is good instant coffee but @ $8ish for 6 -vs- $4 to $5 for regular filter coffee?! (Still cheap compared to buying readymade in the store, I know, but I'm on a very limited budget.) I got a small plastic tub of Folgers for $4. It was amoung the average of the cheapest ($4-$5) coffees, both filter and instant, at the grocery store, and a known tolerable tasting coffee, and in a non-breakable container with the most secure lid.
Does anyone know of a mini metal can of coffee with secure lid? Enough for a three to five day trip, perhaps a little more.