My almost 8 year old DS just swam up to Cub Scouts last week and is now a "Tenderpad". He's built a few before before but now wants to carry a PSK on outtings just like the older Cubs. We quickly thew together a little fanny pack kit for him for Cuboree last weekend, knowing we wouldn't ever be far from the Pack trailer or civilization. We put in a rain poncho, headlamp, lip balm, sun screen and bug spray, all of which were used. Next weekend we're really going camping, including a canoe trip, so he wants and needs something more substantial. Just before bedtime tonight he went through my bag of extras and threw this together in his fanny pack:

-Emerg rain poncho
-Mylar emerg bag
-Bandana (Bright teal colour)
-Small snap light
-Lanyard with whistle
-Snacks (2 cookies, skittles, gum)
-Trail marker tape
-Button compass (from Doug's kit that he's learning to use)
-Metal water bottle (The fanny pack has a pouch for it)
-1 pair wool socks
-Bandaids (4 small, 6 large)
-Gauze pads (about 10 in a ziplock bag)
-Small pack baby wipes
-Alcohol prep pads (3)

EDIT: I just found an Sweet Tarts altoids-like tin for his mini FAK in the ziplock bag. It'll help corral the pieces and it's pretty shiny so would probably make a good signal device.

With the bottle empty, it doesn't weigh much, which is good because neither does he. We're going to add a signal mirror, bug spray and sunscreen wipes in the morning. Maybe his bug net hood too.

He wanted to also include his SAK and matches, but he's not allowed to carry them yet in Cubs. His Cub Book says he should include them in his PSK so he's going to ask his Akela what the rules are. He's learning to use his knife and build fires with me and DH but hasn't mastered either yet. He can add them when he's with me and/or DH, if not at Cubs.

EDIT: Akela has confirmed that our Cubs are not allowee to carry knives or matches. We'll teach them to use them properly, under direct supervision, and they can get their permits when they go up to Scouts when they're (around) 11.

What would you add, delete or change change?

EDIT: Here's a copy of what it says in the Scouts Canada Cub Book:

Edited by bacpacjac (06/09/11 01:33 AM)
Mom & Adventurer

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