No worries, I dont know Crown, but there are alot of trailers out there. In the "competetive" market MANY manufacturers have moved to VERY marginally made Chinese axles. Look for DEXTER, they are THE standard by which all others are compared. I can source a 20 year old axle from a scrap yard, pull the serial # and they can usually tell me original purhaser, use and HAVE current parts availability, parts are also common at any parts stores for Dexter. MANY people are dumbfounded when buying cheap trailers then needing even simple brake parts and finding they must replace the WHOLE axle because parts are not available or are COMPLETELY junk. FYI, many older small to medium trailer axles ARE Dexter, even if there is no serial # tag riveted to the center axle tube (common on bigger ones, 8-12K).

Ironwood (15 trailers here)

Edited by Ironwood (06/05/11 02:06 PM)