Unfortunately in our case, we probably will not. Our current Cubmaster will be starting up a new boyscout troop for our area once his son finishes webelos 2 next spring. My son will complete webelos 2 the following spring. We are indeed a small group and camping items are usually self-provided by each scout and his family, not by the troop (or in the current case, pack). Unfortunately, I don't look for things to change much once he starts up the boyscout troop. I really hope it doesn't turn out to be Webelos 3. It stinks, but it is what it is. And as I see it I have limited choices:

1) Quit and be done with the whole thing (not fair to DS or the other boys).
2) Start up our own pack/troop through our church (I am afraid I just wouldn't have the time - I am also currently the cub scout roundtable commissioner - or resources to do that though, nor any interest from the other parents or their sons)
3) Work with the existing structure and give DS and the other boys the best experiences possible

At least for now I am going with option 3.
Uh ... does anyone have a match?