Originally Posted By: Art_in_FL

I also have considered going without. The actual benefits of safety in the field provided by gloves have never been entirely clear to me.

In the old days, before 1977or so, gloves were never used and were not part of any FA protocol. Then along came HIV/AIDS and the routine use of gloves.

I grinned yesterday, donating blood, when the technician put of gloves just to take a tiny drop to check my hematocrit. Never happened back way back when.

Now I just buy disposable gloves by the box at Costco (a big box store, logically enough) and keep several pairs in my FAKs. They are also handy in various dirty chores - handling insecticides, casting fossils with plaster, cleaning engines, you name it.

Be sure you learn the proper way to divest yourself of these gloves, so that you do not contaminate yourself.
Geezer in Chief