The French Laundry will make you one.

I tell ya' as a chef (and knowing where burger comes from) I wouldn't touch medium rare store-bought burger with a ten foot spatula...unless you cook it
sous vide. It's a great technique! You can kill the bugs by reaching 165 F for a brief amount of time, or by keeping the food at 130 F for a loooong time. The end result is a burger with a 6D/7D reduction in the numbers of Listeria, E-Coli, Salmonella etc. without cooking the snot out of your food.
It's really slick with chicken! You can vacuum seal chicken breasts and cook them at 140 F for three and a half hours or so and it's very safe. And you've likely never realized chicken could be that moist, juicy and...well, just
sublime! Cooking meat at a temp lower than the point where the various muscle fibers begin to over-constrict (ballpark 150 F) you don't get tough meat and you don't wring the juices out of the product. You can start to render fat and melt the collagen without overcooking. Dark meat is also great done this way, but you have to go to about 148 F; lower will still be plenty safe, but dark meat has a "blood" or "raw" taste if cooked at 140.