I'm with Susan and Art on this one, they make valid points, thoughtfully expressed, and hardly deserving of such overwrought reaction. I'm supportive of the military but not to the point of being unquestioning about programs, strategies and body counts -- human and canine.

It is interesting to see the attention being drawn to how capable dogs are proving on the front lines in the Middle East. That dogs are astonishingly capable is not news to many of us but it is good to see that being recognized in the media. The next time some doofus disparages a "dumb dog" maybe I'll ask what the heck they've done for America lately.

Samoyeds were being parachuted into the Sierra Nevada in the 1940s for SAR work. Samoyeds also were WWII military dogs (naturally camo for snow).

I have had Samoyeds for the past twenty years. It only now occurs to me that if the news article were about hundreds of Samoyeds in harm's way on the front lines I would be both proud and profoundly sad.

It must be a great comfort to the soldiers to have the dogs with them. When the dogs are not working they're probably getting a lot of belly rubs from their soldier-comrades.

Certified Therapy Dogs and Assistance Dogs are also doing a lot of great work at military hospitals, such as Walter Reed in DC.

I also have mixed feelings about the Navy's program using dolphins. I hope they are treated well and not having a high mortality rate.


I loved Flipper....