Instant Mashed Potatoes(Plain) worked for me,When I had a Worm-drive saw chase after my leg,created an Instant Clot,& Probably kept me from bleeding out,Regardless of what Experts say,Those Instant mashed potatoes are quite Sterile! My Mother applied honey to 2nd degree burns on my back& shoulders for the duration of a Whole summer,When the hospital I was taken to,failed to Act accordingly & put me through some serious sessions of Torture,causing infection,etc.The honey amazingly caused me to Scab up & Heal,as opposed to the hospital apllying dressings,peeling them off,cleaning the wounded area,more dressings,over&over&over-broken record,Anyway's Plain Instant Mashed Potatoes & Honey are Good Remedies,Regardless of how many moons have passed since!