a few years ago i ran a post of how i had a hole cut into my poncho liner so i could wear it like a poncho rather that just pulled around my shoulders.that came i handy on canoe trips when i was reading or doing chores in my tent or shelter on cool evenings.up in the evening and out of the tent to "check the stars" or first thing in the morning just after getting out of a warm sleeping bag.i also used the liner as a light blanket on hot summer nites or over the sleeping bag on cold fall ones.on those times i had to fold the liner and clip the edges together with clothes pins to keep the head hole closed.
to solve that problem and cover my head to make the liner warmer i had a hood sewed on by a local seamstress.
first off was to find material for the hood.buying another liner was to expensive and after a bit of mulling it over i could see that a bit taken off each lower end of the liner would give me lots of material and not effect the amount of coverage.
here's the finished product.
and of course now you can wear the liner under the Army rain poncho as well as use it as a sleeping bag if you want.
these are just a few quick photos for a demo but in the real world i would tie the liner to the grommets on the poncho to keep the whole thing together.my seamstress works out of her home and is a real whiz when it comes to doing projects like this for me,she did more that just sew the ends of liner where the material was cut from but sewed edging around it.she asked if i wanted a draw string on the hood but i passed on that to keep things simple.