Originally Posted By: Frisket
Pretty Decent. Sad tho that there is not a single mention of Doug Ritter In the entire video and description...Looks like AMK gets all the glory once again...Not even the knife was mentioned as Ritter designed...oh well...

No slag on Doug here but I think the creator of the video was trying to emphasis his alternatives to the expanded PSK kit. Apparently he balked at the extra money for the expanded it and decided to improvise his own additions.

Many of them were well thought out, except I laughed at his mickey mouse imitation SAK he added. I've got a nearly identical one at a trade show -- it is a joke. Although he did say that it was no substitute for a good blade carried external to the kit. A much better choice for the micro knife would have been a Leatherman Micra or Squirt P4 which is what I added to mine. But that does add to the cost.

He picked an inexpensive squeeze light. I prefer a slightly more expensive Photon 2 which is smaller and doesn't use a momentary switch and pushed to activate.

I do like his additions of the Gerber bags and the water tablets and sewing kit though. Doubling of the fire tinder doesn't hurt. But his kit was so crammed that it looked like it could burst its seams pretty easily.