Originally Posted By: LesSnyder

always maintained we put the wrong person in the cockpit of a fighter .... really needed the quy/girl with the quickest reaction time not an engineer...

The problem with any statistical method or general form of classification will be the outliers. For what little it is worth I am an engineer and in various physiology tests back in my college days I had very, very quick reaction times relative to the normal population. Of course to confuse the matter further I am right handed, left footed, eye dominance varies by task and my fine motor control is relatively poor (even I can't read my handwriting).

I regularly work with pilots (often former fighter pilots) and while I'm sure reaction time is important the pilots I know maintain that being able to manage the aircraft systems (very sequential stuff) while maintaining situational awareness (a much more global skill) is the key to success. That makes the best very rare.

People are individuals and must be taken and treated as such.

- Eric
You are never beaten until you admit it. - - General George S. Patton