My beloved was born in Clarksville and as life turns out, many of her family (active duty, retired, and non-military) still live there-abouts.
She walks the talk w.r.t. being prepared - hard not to from our experiences so far - and she is an Assistant Scoutmaster, BSA, my principal Assistant Advisor for a BSA Venturing Crew, certified COPE instructor, certified climbing instructor, etc. - even if our life and recreational experiences didn't lean her in that way, setting a proper example for Scouts and Venturers would do it. The young men believe that she probably has a space suit in her day pack "just in case" and that she can start a fire underwater by rubbing two sticks together... they are, of course, not even close to correct. She is one of the best adults I know when it comes to seeing and using things for alternative uses in a pinch (rather than simply intended uses) - I guess she needs a good imagination to live with me <grin>.
I don't recall if she was in Germany on your second tour - possibly. She may have been at Ft. Benning and/or West Point in that time period - or all three, including Germany. They were stationed in Frankfurt in 1975 when she and I got engaged and married - big PITA for my in-laws to come back to TN for the wedding, but they never griped about it.
As far as daily life goes, she and I are a far superior team when it comes to preparedness than either of us are alone. When we deliberately set out from civilization, we are individually very well prepared but still better as a team. (I get satisfaction from realizing that, now that I put it into words)
Of course, she is not as fascinated with toys, er, equipment as I am... but she tolerates my interest-du-jour very well.
If you have any specific questions you'd like to ask her, send me a PM and I'll forward them. Doubt that she will jump in here directly.