I used to think I wasn't an addict. I love my SAK's. Then eventually when I got here, I bought a SOG multiplier and left it in the car. I also had a tiny leatherman plier model (P4?) that was on my keychain.

Then one day my wife bought me a 2-fer, the Kick and multitool/scissor model.

Then over Xmas this year, my sister in law bought me a LM... uh, the basic model with a plier and knife.

Then the Navy saw fit to give me a Gerber multitool when I deployed.

Now that I'm over here, I still keep my kick on my side, and my gerber in my backpack. I've heard too many bad stories of Gerbers failing. Plus, apparently I have to give the Gerber back at the end of the tour... wierd, huh?

Notice, I haven't BOUGHT any multitools other than the SOG!