Denis - If you are not experienced with camping and hiking I'd advise that you simply stop by your nearest discount store and get their two-man dome model. It will run about $40. Take it out camping and give it hell. Many of the local homeless people use these units and get most of a year out of them using them 24/7. The quality is several steps ahead of what you would get for the same $40 fifteen years ago.
I know several youth groups that have shifted entirely to $40 two-man domes from Wally for long weekends because they last several years and replacement is cheap if the kids set one on fire. Cleaned after use, patched and stitch to repair and reinforce weak points, re-coated as need they can last for years.
The key is that experience with camping and tents clarifies what is important. It gets your foot in the door. I've seen people spend scads of money of expedition-grade gear and it either stays unused or they take it out and destroy it because they have no idea what they are doing.
Starting inexpensive is like letting a person learn to drive in a beater instead of a Lamborghini. It saves wear and tear on the expensive model. When time comes you will appreciate the top-line model.