Originally Posted By: Russ
Originally Posted By: Susan
Are solar chargers for cellphones SPECIFIC to cellphones (and iPod things), or could a solar charger for use in charging a car battery be used?

Sue, electronically challenged to the max
I have a solar panel designed to plug into my truck to charge the 12v battery. Keep that charged and then just get chargers designed to plug into a car's 12 volt system. Those are available for cell phones and some laptops. My truck has a standard lighter (optional these days) with two additional accessory jacks.

Russ, do you have one of those small solar panels that is designed to sit on your dashboard? If so, that won't charge your battery, only maintain it from losing it's charge over time. To charge a car battery in a reasonable amount of time (ie, one sunny day) you'll need something stronger, like a 20-30 watt panel or bigger.

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